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First Year of Law Degree / Second Year of a Non-Law Degree

Attend careers events and talks about the Bar and what a Barrister does. Start to research the Inns of Court and potential practice areas.

It is a good idea to join an Inn as soon as possible as they offer a wealth of experience and activities which are informative and a good opportunity to make contacts and speak to practicing Barristers and Benchers. The Bar Society provides trips to each of the Inns so that you can get an experience of them and choose which one is for you.


Get involved in student societies and activities, with a focus on advocacy or public speaking. Also, some Pro-Bono work can strengthen an application, and will give you some good experience.


Those from a non-law degree should start to research GDL / CPE providers.


Second Year of a Law Degree / Third Year of a Non-Law Degree
Research BPTC providers and potential Barristers Chambers where you might want to apply. Apply for mini-pupillages at Sets which interest you and take this opportunity to get a wide berth of experience of the Bar during your mini-pupillages.

Attend careers events (in particular the National Pupillage Fair in March) to get exposure to BPTC Providers and Barristers Chambers. See upcoming Events for details of the Bar Society’s Trip to the National Pupillage Fair.


Complete your mini-pupillages and research the funding opportunities that the Inns provide. It is a good idea, if you haven’t already by this point, to attend a moot.


Non-law students should apply for the GDL / CPE from November of their final year with the deadline around February. Also research potential funding which can be secured for the GDL Year.


Third Year of a Law Degree / Conversion Year
The deadline to join the Inns of Court is approaching, because you must be a member in order to apply for the BPTC. Bear in mind as well that if you want to apply for a scholarship, you should join before the deadlines for scholarship applications. The closing date for these is usually around the end of October, so you must be a member well in advance of this in order to arrange a timely scholarship application.


Apply via for the Bar Professional Training Course. Applications are accepted from the first Monday in November to the last Thursday of January the following year (not including Clearing).


Start to apply for pupillages via the Pupillage Portal at Sets which accept applications early. It would be a tremendous advantage to go into your BPTC year having already secured a pupillage and you would no doubt be the envy of your colleagues!


Continue to hone your public speaking and advocacy skills. The Bar Society will provide talks and a drop-in session for the above deadlines, so don’t feel overwhelmed!


Complete the BPTC and take advantage of the activities there. Attend Dining Sessions at your Inn. Apply for Pupillages in both seasons of the Pupillage Portal and to those Chambers which accept applications outside of Pupillage Portal. Get Called to the Bar!

If you are unsuccessful with Pupillage applications, bear in mind that this is a common occurrence. One of the key qualities of being a Barrister is perseverance, and you will probably have to demonstrate this in your search for Pupillage. Expect numerous rejections as all part of the path to Pupillage.

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